23 FEB 12: Marina Markovic's "Pressure Me"

Pressure me.
FEB 23 - 28
Opening Reception w/ Nelson Cordero (nellieneltatoo.blogspot.com):
THU 23 FEB 2012, 6:00 - 10:00 pm
Rabbithole is pleased to present Pressure Me by Marina Markovic featuring performance, installation, video and a set of drawings. Throughout her career the artist has been exploring her own body and those of others, observing the process of healing from anorexia, pathological behaviors related to food consumerism as well as corporeal rituals.
Markovic has always treated the body as sculptural material and during the performance Pressure me the artist will instruct a tattoo artist to inscribe a pink measuring tape around her waist-line thereby monitoring the future change of her own body and commenting on the burden of a standardized female form.
The installation, composed of objects intimately related to the artist's life and used in their original condition - hospital bracelet from the maternity ward, a color scale of pregnancy tests and religious memorabilia, denotes how everyday reality can be transformed to the status of art. Each segment corresponds to a different need of Markovic's being and as whole signifies a sanctuary representing how she copes with existence in this world.
Markovic's signature drawings recall children's picture books. Juxtaposing infantile fantasy and adult violence, teddy bears, bunnies and kittens are intertwined with sinister themes of death, sickness and fear. Her compositions often depict the uneasy relationship between sexuality and the adolescent body.
Marina Markovic's work envelops consumerism on various levels: food, ideology, media products as well as the image of the body. Her interest has always been on the restrictions, obsessions and control systems of the figure. The opus of Markovic's work focuses on the subject of consumption, whether it is nutritional or commercial, revealing that we manifest most of our emotional needs either through food or merchandising products.
Boshko Boskovic
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