Saturday, May 21: Dissilience Brooklyn - An All Women Artshow
dissilience: noun 1. the emergence of seeds as seed pods burst open when they are ripe...
We are Dissilience. Smaller and larger fragments making up a greater whole. We are procreating a future for woman hood. Where do you fit into this whole? Celebrating woman in the arts through mixed media, music and dance.
Dissilience was born in Los Angeles when a group of women artists collaborated to curate an all women's artshow. With the success of Dissilience & Dissilience 2, the show moved to other cities like Dissilience San Francisco and Dissilience Oakland. Now the show is making its debut in the east coast of Brooklyn,NY.
The event will also be a fundraiser for A FREE BIRD, a non-profit organization providing kids with a cancer recovery program through the arts. Proceeds from Dissilience Brooklyn will be donated to Free Bird.
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