Thursday June 5th: WHO ARE YOU?

Rabbithole is proud to present: Who Are You?
Who Are You?
Is an introspection into the perception of the "self" expressed through the multi array of painting, collage, photography, sculpture, video projection and illustration.
Seven artists, Michael Alan, Morgan Freeman, Kimyon Huggins, Caitlin McGarry, Lindsay Mound, Nyahzul and Camilo Pinto delve deep into their individual psyche to present work they feel address topics within the concept. The collection of work presented aim to explore topics of self identity, image identity, consciousness, human psyche and the unexpected visceral expressions by the subconscious mind.
"Who are you" also aims to make the connection between art and artist, and the role the human psyche and ephemeral elements play in the process of artistic expression. At the present time when consciousness expansive themes are becoming a growing prevalence, "Who are You" is a show that prepares the artist, viewer and collector an opportunity to stop and listen to their self and collective consciousness.
Three wall, video interactive art installation by Morgan Freeman I AM NORMAL with Sound by Mikey Deane
Music by Katipzade & Ahu Gural
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