Thursday, April 7: Serendipia

Thursday, April 7, 2016 from 7pm to 11pm.
A group show with Judith Samper, María Providencia Casanovas, Andrés Álvarez and Lorenzo Sanjuán. Music by Darko Saric, José Callén and LRD.
Up to what point can we continue to believe in happenstance, coincidence, Lautréamont’s “chance meeting…of a sewing machine and an umbrella,” or the accident in an art gallery? Under the glow of the April moon, in the cinematic shadow of the Manhattan Bridge, Alice’s Rabbit Hole opens, we descend into it, and serendipity is revealed: sensual princesses in watercolor nightmares, empty planets without their little princes, absences captured on film, sheets in disarray, reflections on depth and dimension depicted through the caress of a brush on the grain of wood. Four disparate artists come together under the bridge. Shall we accept, as Friedrich Schiller declared, that “there is no such thing as chance, and what seems to us merest accident springs from the deepest source of destiny,” or shall we call it Serendipity?
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