Rabbithole is now fiscally sponsored by Fractured Atlas, a 501(c)3 charitable organization that supports the arts. This means all your donations are tax-deductible! To find out more, and to make a charitable donation, please visit our Fractured Atlas page.
The artist Phillip Stearns delivered a lecture on experimental electronics, circuit bending, and using sound to create imagery and vice versa. Through feedback loops running from mixer to compact fluorescent bulbs and back to the mixer, and with no other sound generating instrument, Stearns is able to create musical composition as in the video above.
PHILLIP STEARNS "Subliminal Machines" Artist presentation and performance
THU 17 NOV 11. 7:00 - 9:00 pm
Check out the unreal solo exhibition of Phillip Stearns' experimental and experiential electronics. The artist will be performing with his hand-built, custom audio/video feedback synthesizer, as well as discussing the installation currently on view at Rabbithole. If you're into new media, glitch, antiquated technology, and the collusion of art and science, don't miss this event.
This exhibition has been extended through FRi 02 DEC 11.
Rachael Hunt dances with the sound-sensitive neural-network installation Entitiy I(2011) by Phillip Stearns at Rabbithole. Filmed by Justin William LIn on 13 NOV 11.
Also, Phillip will be performing tomorrow night (Thu 17 Nov) from 7:00 - 9:00 pm for the artist's presentation. His work creating glitch video synthesis through overlapping feedback channels, as shown in his Apeiron | Peras series of videos, is an awesome experience when performed live.